Friday, September 20, 2024
  • time : 08:11
  • Date : Sun Sep 15, 2024
  • news code : 215631
Holding a specialized training workshop on "Seed Production Technology"

The specialized training workshop "Seed production technology" was held for 3 days at Imam Khomeini Higher Education Center (IHEC).


Presenters and topics of educational workshops was following:

1) Hamidreza Abbasi Golpaigani, a member of the scientific faculty of Gene Bank Institute, with the subject of seed preservation methods and its place in hybridization.

2) Afshin Najafi, Managing Director of Arian Khoshe Pars, a knowledge-base Company, regarding hybridization in the production of onion and corn seeds with an emphasis on corn.

3) Bagher Mahmoudi, a member of the academic staff of the Research Institute of Beet Seed Breeding and Preparation, and Elham AbdulMaleki, an expert of Sorin Fanavran Parsi Seed Company.

On the third day, the participants visited Shahid Motahari Bujari factory in Kamalshahr, and the seed coating workshop of Sorin Fanavran Parsi Seed Company located in the IHEC.

This workshop was conducted with the participation of 10 people in the hall of Professor Kamalinejad at IHEC and 5 people online.




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